"True giving is not an economic exchange, it is a generative act. It does not subtract from what we have; it multiplies the effect we can have in the world"  
(Simple Truths. Kent Nerburn 1996)

As you know, we are a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding those less fortunate. We gladly accept and appreciate all your supports.

Please send your tax deductible gift in kind, check or money order to:

Mercy Ministry,
38442 - 38448 20th. St. East, Palmdale CA. 93550
For more info call 661-273-4337

Make your gift an answer to prayer for those in need in our communities. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Experience the Joy of sharing
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Volunteers Leaders at Training
Team work gets it done
A Cross-section of the Community members we serve.
A Cross-section of the Community members we serve.
Tesimony from CouncilMember, Second District City of Los Angeles -Wendy Greuel
From Children's Bureau
Pride in the Community is a yearly city sponsored program, recognising organizations and small busines owners. This is to appreciate their contribution to the development of their community.
From Children's Hospital Los Angeles
From young recipients in The Antelope Valley
Our young Volunteers ready for distributions
Volunteer joyfully ready to help
Photo of help to Kenya - Africa after the recent past civil war
 Volunteers serving as a team
An outreach event in our community
A Cross section of members of the Community
Diseminating information to the needing community in another language other than English
Volunteers off loading produce at one of our locations
Volunteers after training